Congratulations to all of our 2023-2024 Spelling Bee Participants.

Ruth Fisher Mobile Food Pantry is the 3rd Saturday of each month.
Please note the location change for Jan 20th.

Attention Tartesso Tigers!!!
Tonight is the last night BEFORE our @apexleadershipcompany Fun Run to get pledges! Here’s what you need to know:
Get those pledges in.
Get a good night’s sleep.
Wear comfy shoes tomorrow.
Hydrate and have a good breakfast.
Celebrate how hard your student has worked!
Our APEX schedule for tomorrow is:
8AM: 4th & 5th Grade
9AM: 2nd & 3rd Grade
10AM: KG, 1st, & STC
The class that won last night's challenge (w/ a $2/Lap jump) is.... Coach Link’s class!!! Whoop whoop!! This means they have earned Donuts. Great job Coach Link!!
Our final challenge is The Double Poster Prize Challenge.
The top three pledging classes (as of 4AM each morning) are:
1) Hudson
2) Wright
3) Hokanson

It is THAT time of year Tigers!! Its yearbook time!! Go to the website on the photo below and use the school ID.

Good morning Tartesso Tigers!!
There’s still time to share and pledge.
Shout out to today’s classes that had the most pledges! 💥📣
<< 4th Grade >> <>
<< 1st Grade >> <>
<< Kindergarten >> <>

Attention Tartesso Tigers!! Todays APEX message is:
⚡️Power up your pledge now! Your donation will help our kids get closer to their goal for our @apexleadershipcompany Fun Run this week! Totally worth it!
**Tonight's challenge is the "10 Shares Challenge". The class that has the most people with 10 or more Shares in tonight's challenge will earn... in class Game Time with Rockstar Rick! Who will be tonight's winner!?
**The top three pledging classes (as 4AM each morning) are: 1) Wright **(the new Traveling Chain holder)** 2) Hokanson 3) Hudson

Please join me in congratulating our November Saddle Mountain Spotlight recipients, Ms. Melissa Sutton, Dispatcher for Transportation and Ms. Bobbi Shaw, Special Education teacher at Winters' Well.

Welcome to our new app and website!

Are you looking for a place to grab dinner tonight? The Saddle Mountain Odyssey of the Mind team is conducting a fundraiser. Help the team and enjoy a great dinner.

Please join me in congratulating our 1st Quarter Special Talents are Recognized (STAR) award recipient, Ms. Kim Brees, Early Childhood teacher and COOP Preschool Director at Tonopah Valley High School.

If you are looking for a place to grab dinner next Wednesday, October 18, the Saddle Mountain Odyssey of the Mind team is conducting a fundraiser. You don't have to cook dinner and you help out the Odyssey team in the process.