Please enjoy this week's edition of #IAmSaddleMountain
1 day ago, SMUSD
FRIOS will be on campus tomorrow!!
3 days ago, TES
SMUSD K-8 Robotics is hosting a fundraiser at Chipotle today, Wednesday, March 5th from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Enjoy your favorite burritos, bowls, and more, and 25% of your purchase will support our team! We're raising funds to purchase crucial parts and cover expenses for our upcoming robotics competitions. Your support will help us build amazing robots and achieve our goals! Bring your family and friends and make it a fun dinner out while supporting STEM education. See you at Chipotle! You can also order online using the code 4L34Y3K Chipotle - 944 S. Watson Rd. Buckeye, AZ.
3 days ago, Joel Wisser
Chipotle Flyer in English
Chipotle Flyer in Spanish
Online Ordering Instructions
Please check out this month's edition of the Saddle Mountain Shoutout.
4 days ago, SMUSD
Saddle Mountain Shoutout!
Just a friendly reminder that NEXT week, we will have Parent Teacher conferences on Thursday and Friday. Both days will also be EARLY RELEASE at 11:15am. During conferences, we will have our Scholastic Book Fair set up as well. Reach out to your child's teachers to schedule your conferences!
4 days ago, TES
Book Fair
Good evening, please click the link to watch a brief video and take a 1 question survey. Thank you for your valued feedback.
8 days ago, SMUSD
Please see this week's edition of #IAmSaddleMountain
8 days ago, SMUSD
Its that time of year everyone!! Yearbooks are for sale!! Please go to and use the school code: 292933. They cost $28.00!
10 days ago, TES
Its that time of year everyone!! Yearbooks are for sale!! Please go to and use the school code: 292933. They cost $28.00 !
10 days ago, TES
Hello Tartesso Tigers, We will have the Mobile Dentist on site on Tuesday March, 4, 2025. In order for your student(s) to be seen by the Mobile Dentist, you will need to fill out the following form. We look forward to seeing the beautiful smiles.
10 days ago, TES
SMUSD K-8 Robotics is hosting a fundraiser at Chipotle next Wednesday, March 5th from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Enjoy your favorite burritos, bowls, and more, and 25% of your purchase will support our team! We're raising funds to purchase crucial parts and cover expenses for our upcoming robotics competitions. Your support will help us build amazing robots and achieve our goals! Bring your family and friends and make it a fun dinner out while supporting STEM education. See you at Chipotle! You can also order online using the code 4L34Y3K Chipotle - 944 S. Watson Rd. Buckeye, AZ.
10 days ago, Joel Wisser
Chipotle Flyer in English
Chipotle Flyer in Spanish
Online Ordering Instructions
Friendly reminder that TODAY is EARLY RELEASE. Students will be released at 11:15am.
10 days ago, TES
Tonight is Tartessos McTeacher Night at McDonalds on Watson! Come out and support the school from 5pm-7pm!
11 days ago, TES
Good morning parents!! REMINDER THAT TOMORROW IS FIELD DAY!! We are asking that ALL students come with water, sunscreen on and some comfortable shoes to run in. There will NOT be any water stations that will need bathing suits/towels. If you would like to come watch, Please come sign in in the front office and reach out to your childs teacher for their schedule. It will also be EARLY RELEASE at 11:15am. Have a great day!!
11 days ago, TES
Field Day
Lets get our READ ON everyone!!! We are starting a reading challenge at Tartesso for the month of February! We want to have a challenge between students and staff members! Who can read MORE THAN 4000 minutes for the rest of the month?!? If students win by the end of the challenge, they will get the oppurtunity to pie a staff member in the face! If the staff group wins, then we will be put in a drawing! Lets get those books out and read!!!
11 days ago, TES
Please see the following flyer for our IXL challenge for the month of February!
11 days ago, TES
Here is this weeks counseling corner with Mrs. Williams.
11 days ago, TES
VERY IMPORTANT DATE!! Kindergarten Round Up is TOMORROW! If you have a child you would like to register for kindergarten for the upcoming school year, please call the office to schedule your appointment soon! This day is by appointment only. Our hours will run from 12:30am-5:30pm. Children must be 5 no later than September 1st and have all necessary documents with them. Children will get to see one of our kindergarten classrooms and get an Academic Screening and they will also get a Vision and Hearing screening from our health aide. Appointments are 15 minutes each. Please see our flyer for all necessary information.
11 days ago, TES
Don't forget our McTeacher Night is tomorrow night! Come out to McDonalds on Watson and support our school! Come inside or drive thru and mention Tartesso Elementary School!
12 days ago, TES
Don't forget our McTeacher Night is coming up on Tuesday, Feb 25th! Come out to McDonalds on Watson and support our school! Come inside or drive thru and mention Tartesso Elementary School!
14 days ago, TES