Please come in for our meeting today!!!
about 1 year ago, TES
It's that time of year Tigers! Go to the page listed in the photo and enter the school ID to purchase your yearbooks for the 23/24 school year!
about 1 year ago, TES
Please come out to our meeting!
about 1 year ago, TES
Good afternoon, attached is our Saddle Mountain Shoutout for March. Please reference for important information.
about 1 year ago, SMUSD
SMUSD Shoutout
Come join our PTO meeting!!
about 1 year ago, TES
Field Day tshirts are on sale everyone! Follow the QR code on the flyer. TODAY IS THE LAST DAY FOR SALES!! $12.00 for the shirts and field day will be on March 22!! Lets go tigers!!!!
about 1 year ago, TES
field day
Hey Tigers!!! We are having a spirit week next week!!! Come show your Tartesso SPIRIT!!!
about 1 year ago, TES
Spirit Day
Dont forget everyone, Tartesso's McDonalds Night is TONIGHT!!! Come out and show your support for our school and enjoy some delicious food!
about 1 year ago, TES
Dont forget everyone, Tartesso's McDonalds Night will be tomorrow, Thursday February 29, 2024. Come out and show your support for our school and enjoy some delicious food!
about 1 year ago, TES
Here is our menu for the month of March!!
about 1 year ago, TES
March Lunch
Bring your parent to school day for KINDERGARTEN is tomorrow!! Please come in and sign in the office. See you there!!!
about 1 year ago, TES
Kinder Bring your parent
Come on out dads/uncles/grandpas!!! We are having a meeting about WATCH Dogs this evening! Come in and eat some free pizza and learn all about our wonderful program!
about 1 year ago, TES
It's that time of year Tigers! Go to the page listed in the photo and enter the school ID to purchase your yearbooks for the 23/24 school year!
about 1 year ago, TES
Dont forget everyone, Tartesso's McDonalds Night will be on Thursday February 29, 2024. Come out and show your support for our school and enjoy some delicious food!
about 1 year ago, TES
Attention everyone...SMUSD is having a job fair tomorrow, February 24, 2024 9:00-Noon for Certified Staff. If you know anyone that is interested, please pass this on!!
about 1 year ago, TES
Job Fair
Dont forget everyone, Tartesso's McDonalds Night will be next Thursday February 29, 2024. Come out and show your support for our school and enjoy some delicious food!
about 1 year ago, TES
Are you or someone you know looking to join an amazing team? Looking for a short work week? Looking to impact our youth? Join us tomorrow for our Certified Staff Job Fair from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm at our District Office.
about 1 year ago, SMUSD
SMUSD Job Fair
Come on out dads/uncles/grandpas!!! We are having a meeting about WATCH Dogs on Feb 27!! Come in and eat some free pizza and learn all about our wonderful program!
about 1 year ago, TES
It's that time of year Tigers! Go to the page listed in the photo and enter the school ID to purchase your yearbooks for the 23/24 school year!
about 1 year ago, TES
Field Day tshirts are on sale everyone! Follow the QR code on the flyer. $12.00 and all money is due no later than March 1st!! Field day will be March 22, 2024!!! Lets go Tigers!!!
about 1 year ago, TES