We have another wonderful lunch going on at Tartesso that parents are welcome to join in on! We will be having it on February 14 during each lunch. Parents meals are $5.50, cash only in the cafeteria. We ask that you please NOT bring any outside food in for you or your child. Parents are welcome to come 10 minutes before lunch times to get their own meals. We will have a separate lunch line for students and one for parents to make it go smoothly! Please see the flyer on SMUSD app or our Facebook page.
about 7 hours ago, TES
Lets get our READ ON everyone!!! We are starting a reading challenge at Tartesso for the month of February! We want to have a challenge between students and staff members! Who can read MORE THAN 4000 minutes for the rest of the month?!? If students win by the end of the challenge, they will get the oppurtunity to pie a staff member in the face! If the staff group wins, then we will be put in a drawing! Lets get those books out and read!!!
about 8 hours ago, TES
Check out the February edition of the Saddle Mountain Shoutout! https://smusd.edurooms.com/engage/smusd/newsletters/feb-saddle-mountain-shoutout
2 days ago, SMUSD
Saddle Mountain Shoutout!
PICTURE DAY is around the corner!! These will be classroom photos, clubs and anyone who chooses to order individual photos. Order forms will go home with your students today. Online ordering closes at 9am on picture Day.
2 days ago, TES
We have another wonderful lunch going on at Tartesso that parents are welcome to join in on! We will be having it on February 14 during each lunch. Parents meals are $5.50, cash only in the cafeteria. We ask that you please NOT bring any outside food in for you or your child. Parents are welcome to come 10 minutes before lunch times to get their own meals. We will have a separate lunch line for students and one for parents to make it go smoothly! Please see the flyer on SMUSD app or our Facebook page.
3 days ago, TES
Please see the following flyer for our IXL challenge for the month of February!
3 days ago, TES
We are so excited to share this flyer for Valentines Cake Pops!!
3 days ago, TES
VERY IMPORTANT DATE!! Kindergarten Round Up is coming up fast on February 26th! If you have a child you would like to register for kindergarten for the upcoming school year, please call the office to schedule your appointment soon! This day is by appointment only. Our hours will run from 12:30am-5:30pm. Children must be 5 no later than September 1st and have all necessary documents with them. Children will get to see one of our kindergarten classrooms and get an Academic Screening and they will also get a Vision and Hearing screening from our health aide. Appointments are 15 minutes each. Please see our flyer for all necessary information.
3 days ago, TES
With the conclusion of Board Appreciation Month we would like to recognize Mr. Dan Blackson for his many years of service to SMUSD. Please enjoy this special addition of #IAmSaddleMountain https://youtu.be/cQT-GVR9blE
3 days ago, SMUSD
LOTS going on at Tartesso in February!! Here are some fliers of all upcoming events. We will also have Field Day and a McTeacher Night and I will post those flyers when we have them! If you cannot see them, please check the SMUSD app under LiveFeed or on our Tartesso Elementary Facebook page!
4 days ago, TES
4 days ago, TES
Please watch this video on the recent immigration updates from Superintendent Dr. Winters. https://youtu.be/JY4ltxnG89k
8 days ago, SMUSD
Dr. Winters
Its that time of year everyone!! Yearbooks are for sale!! Please go to BuyTheYearbook.com and use the school code: 292933. They cost $28.00 !
9 days ago, TES
Just a friendly reminder to sign and return the forms from Big Smiles Dentistry if you would like your student to get seen at our school on March 4th.
9 days ago, TES
Here is the information on todays Bring Your Parent To School Day!!
9 days ago, TES
Bring your parent
Reminder to all, Today is a EARLY RELEASE!! We will be releasing at 11:15am.
9 days ago, TES
January is Board Appreciation Month We would like to recognize Mrs. Amy Amaral. Please enjoy this Special Edition of #IAmSaddleMountain https://youtu.be/VtYmoW_slAE
10 days ago, SMUSD
Why does attendance matter ? Here are some of the reasons!!
10 days ago, TES
Here is this weeks counseling corner with Mrs Williams. https://youtu.be/xKgArK2KZo8
10 days ago, TES
Here is the information on our upcoming Bring Your Parent To School Day on January 29th!
11 days ago, TES
Bring your parent